Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How You Can Be Fit But Not Healthy

It's April. My birthday month. Another year. Another half a decade of my life had just passed.

This month I was supposed to join the Frost & Sullivan Charity Run but visiting my parents took priority. So no event this month. The last event I joined was the 2XU Compression half marathon in Singapore on March 2nd. Started well but struggled towards the end and managed to finish that run just below 3 hours. The breathtaking view at dawn and at sunrise some how help make the run bearable and worthwhile.
View from Marina Barrage at dawn
After sunrise
2XU Run March 2, 2014

My next run will be on May 11, 2014 in Kuantan. I was too late to register for the 21km distance. 10km would do just fine. Maybe I should aim for 10k PB. Other running events already registered include Malacca River International Marathon, Sundown Nusajaya and Penang Bridge International Marathon. One event per month should be more than enough for a veteran!


Ryan Shay was at the peak of fitness when he lined up at the start of the New York City Marathon in November 2007 with the hopes of qualifying for his first Olympic team. Less than six miles later, the 28 year old collapsed. Soon after, he was pronounced dead.

When Shay's autopsy revealed scarring in the healthy, young runner's heart, scientists finally woke up to the possibility that exercise might not be the panacea for health that it has long been touted to be, said Peter McCullough, a cardiologist at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas.

Since then, a growing, still controversial body of research has begun to show that all the exercise in the world won't protect your heart if you don't also eat well and for some people, take drugs to overcome cardiovascular risk factors. Exercising too much may even raise the risk of developing clogged arteries.

The message is not that exercise is pointless, experts caution. Instead, it's that you can't eat with abandon just because you're fit and slim. It may also be unwise to exercise with abandon, no matter what you eat.

"There was this false belief that you could just eat junk food and be more liberal with your diet and then exercise and it would somehow prevent artery blockages to the heart," McCullough said. "Lo and behold, exercise doesn’t prevent these blockages from occurring. And some analyses show extreme endurance exercise may actually somewhat promote heart blockages."

"People say, 'I run, so I can eat whatever I want,'" he added. "That's not true. That needs to go away."

It's well established that moderate exercise has major benefits for heart health. When couch potatoes start moving, even by just walking three times a week, studies show that cardiovascular deaths drop by up to 25 percent and lifespans lengthen. Regular exercisers live an average of seven years longer than sedentary people.

Exercise strengthens the heart, making it a more powerful pump and helping it become more efficient at turning oxygen into fuel. That kind of fitness boosts the chances of surviving heart attacks, illnesses and even car accidents.

But working out does nothing to prevent the artery-clogging effects of eating a diet high in saturated fat, new studies suggest. That contradicts a long-held belief that athletics worked like a drug to protect the heart against atherosclerosis -- a build-up of plaque inside the arteries that can constrict blood flow and lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Over-exercising may even increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis. In a study just published in The Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association, McCullough and colleagues used advanced CT imaging technology to compare the hearts of 23 sedentary men with 50 male marathoners who had completed a minimum of 25 races. Imaging revealed a greater volume of plaques in the distance runners.

The results fall in line with other studies showing that moderate running is good but excessive running may be bad. One long-term study of 54,000 Americans, published last year, found the lowest rates of death among people who ran 5 to 20 miles a week. People who ran more than 25 to 30 weekly miles, on the other hand, lived no longer than people who were inactive.

It's not yet clear why ultra-athletes might be at greater risk for artery blockages, but one theory is that the extra twisting and pumping motions induced by repetitive exertion might put too much wear and tear on the arteries, leading to a type of scarring called fibrosis.

It's also possible that over-exercised hearts suffer from chronic stress and the need to constantly repair damage induced by excessive free-radical production.

About half a million people finished marathons in the United States last year and someone dies in virtually every major long-distance race, McCullough said. The new findings are a wake-up call for people who think they're doing their bodies a favor by pushing themselves to their limits.

"I was personally a big-time marathoner. I ran a marathon in every state in the U.S.," McCullough said. "I retired based on our research findings. I said, 'This is not doing me any good and could be doing me harm.'"

For people who maintain a more moderate level of exercise up to two or three hours a week, it's also important to remember that exercise is not the only factor that influences heart health, said Norman Lepor, a cardiologist at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute and the University of California, Los Angeles' David Geffen School of Medicine.

Smoking, eating a diet high in salt and trans fats, and having a genetic predisposition to heart disease are just as important.

"Focusing on athletics only affects what's really a modest part of the equation for the development of cardiovascular disease," Lepor said. "Someone can be in shape and still at risk of having a heart attack."

"I don't want in any shape or form to slam exercise," Lepor said. But, he added, "it can really be too much of a good thing for some people."

Emotions ran high at the American Heart Association meeting last year when researchers held a seminar to discuss the new findings, McCullough said. Many doctors feared that the public would get the wrong message about exercise, which remains essential for combating rising rates of obesity and related health problems.

Monday, February 10, 2014


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Time flies!

It's almost mid-February of the year 2014. This is the first blog entry of the year. I apologise for not updating my blog since mid-October 2013. I guess I am not much of a blogger after all. I accept that fact. My blog is just a way to record my journey to a healthy lifestyle as and when I have time to write an entry about it.

To tell you the truth I have not been following a strict regime of diet & exercise since it got too hectic at the workplace. Alhamdulillah Allah has granted bountiful rizq to me. With that comes greater responsibilities and greater tests! Life is a test. And He has tested me. I had gone through a rough patch in my life. Thanks to Allah and the people I love around me who supported me, I got back up, dusted myself off and walked again.

That brought me to the topic of this entry. Ever since I started running actively, I follow the motto above "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." Once something becomes a habit you don't have to think about it twice to do it. It becomes second nature. The real question is "How to get yourself motivated?" I hope the article can conjure up some ideas on how to get motivated.

Just for the record these were the running events I had entered since my last blog entry.

JB10k Run December 3, 2013

Newton Challenge 15km December 29, 2013

Upcoming event will be in 2XU Compression Run 21km March 2, 2014.

Get motivated. Get into the habit!

Motivation is based on 3 vital principles: Attitude, strategy and drive. Any person with powerful motivation can overcome any obstacle because he is confident with himself. Yet most people do not know how to motivate themselves.

The number one thing to do is to set a goal. If you have no clear goals you will just drift around without purpose. Once you have defined the goals, apply the 3 principles.

Attitude: Love what you do and you will have a positive attitude to it.
Strategy: Positivity without strategy is folly. Define how you are going to get to the goal, and implement it.
Drive: Visualise how it would be like to actually achieve your goal. The bit of excitement and happiness you feel will be many times more when you do achieve it.

There are many ways to keep that drive going and also to prevent it from dipping. The following is a long list of the many things you can do to keep yourself motivated. We can put this into three broad categories:

Physical Time Outs helps you fight 'staleness syndrome' by moving your body. Take a walk, climb the stairs, or do calisthenics, and you will find new energy buzzing within you.

Watch your lifestyle, as a good lifestyle consisting of exercise and a healthy diet gives you better stamina and motivation. Incorporate high energy foods, and work them out - it will give you even more energy in the long run.

Take a vacation, as being physically in a different place revitalises the spirit and helps in achieving more.

Humour is a great way to energise your day. Laughter is also proven to decrease sick days, increase brain activity, strengthen the immune system, lower depression and pressure. Each of these affects your morale.

Walk tall, hold your shoulders back, stay alert and stride with confidence. It's amazing how your mind follows your body when you control it as such.

Motivational Support System can be created by having friends to listen and support you as needed. Friendly external pressure can stoke your passion to achieve your goals.

Avoid negative people. Some people are energy vampires and prefer for you to rot with them rather than help you achieve your goals. Never indulge in negative gossip, because it will eventually stifle your own optimism.

Create a motivating environment such as having a clean, organise work desk filled with inspiring objects. It would be great to have a visual representation of your goal on the desk such as a family photo or a picture of that long vacation you are working towards.

Celebrate and reward yourself, don't wait for others to do it for you. Yes, do have them for support but don't rely on peoples' compliments or gifts - you are your own best coach!

Personal pep talks helps you motivate yourself. It is found that we have over 600,000 thoughts per day, with 75% of them being negative. So weed out the negativity and tell yourself that you can do it!

It's not a 'no', it's a 'not yet'. Keep your mind positive. View setbacks and failures as a natural progression to your success.

Keep a journey map, progress log, or goal scrapbook. These help you track your progress, hold you accountable, and let you visualise your impending success.

Work on your strengths. You should spend more time grooming your talents and strengths than trying to fix your weaknesses. This is the path of least resistance, and helps you achieve your goals faster - and in your style.

Convert your weaknesses by reframing them in your mind. If you are 'worrisome', instead consider yourself 'meticulous'. If you are 'anxious', rethink it as 'concerned'. Simply by reframing your weaknesses into strengths, you will find that over time your actions will adjust accordingly as well.

Simplify your life by focusing on what you truly need to achieve. Clutter, both physical and mental, are energy sappers and absorbs your time needlessly. Avoid doing tasks that have no benefits for you to achieve your goals.

Implement the power hour. Dedicate a full, uninterrupted hour of intense focus on specific tasks that helps you achieve your goal. Turn off your cell phone and any potential distractions.

Fuel your passion for knowledge. Spend 20 minutes a day learning and reading on what you are passionate about. You are here, aren't you?

The above are simple, yet powerful techniques that can keep you going. You will need to do more than reading though, so go out there and work towards your goal!