As the departure date loomed and final preparation being made, I had mixed feelings about it all. In a way, I was very excited and happy to be chosen by Allah to be His guest at the Holy Haram Land. At the same time, I was scared and worried whether I could perform the task at hand to the best of my ability. Every day for a few days before departure I felt feverish with cold shivers down my spine. I would perform Solah Hajat (praying that my journey would be uneventful) and Solah Taubah (praying that Allah accept my ibadah and forgive my sins) before bed. Additionally, two tablets of Panadol and good night sleep would usually do the trick.
Finally, the day came when we were meant to fly out to the Holy Land. Feelings of elation, excitement, worry and sadness all jumbled up inside me. Excited to finally have the chance to perform Umrah. Worried about what would be in store for me there. Sad to leave my daughters and family in Malaysia. Most of all, elated to be chosen to be His guest.
We flew from Senai Airport, Johor Bahru at 12.10 noon. After a short transit at KLIA, we departed for Jeddah at 3.20 pm. I haven't been on a long-haul flight for quite a while and I have never liked it. The last was the flight to Capetown, I think. I really hate the smell of in-flight food. All I could eat was the bun and fruits. I had 2 of 'em buns with only butter (they forgot to serve the jam). I tried to catch some sleep to conserve energy and shut out the jitters but who could sleep with all the above feelings cluttered in your mind. It was an 8-hour flight so I did some last minute revision, writing down and memorizing supplications (du'a) and getting my body and soul ready for the Umrah task ahead.
We arrived at Jeddah Airport at dusk. What a feeling stepping on Saudi Arabia soil (or tarmac) for the first time (hopefully not the last). I was jumping for joy inside. We were told that the immigration process could take up to 8 hours. WHAT? As long as the flight? However, my group were cleared uneventfully within a couple of hours. The group consisted of people of all ages and all walks of life, from dato's and datins, professionals and celebrities but most notably FELDA settlers. They must have loads of money with the good CPO price and the forthcoming so-called "durian runtuh" (financial bonanza) of RM15000 per family promised by the government. Anyway, my wife and I helped a few elders fill up their embarkation cards. That was where we got to know a certain few people in our group. As fate has it we would be bound together all of our time in the Holy Land.
We hopped on our bus bound for Madinah Al-Munawwarah, literally meant "the radiant city", where our Prophet Muhammad's PBUH mausoleum is located. I can't remember much of the journey from Jeddah to Madinah neither can I remember how long the journey was because I slept almost all the way out of exhaustion and jet-lagged. We were woken up from our slumber when we got near the suburbs of Madinah city. It was around 3 am. As we were alighting from the bus, we were greeted by the call of Adzan from Masjid An-Nabawi. It was the first call. The Adzan is usually called twice for Suboh prayer here in Madinah. It was the most beautiful Adzan call I have ever heard in my life.
We stayed in Madinah for 2 days and 2 nights at a 5-star Movenpick Hotel. The highlight of my stay in Madinah was definitely the visit to Prophet Muhammad's SAW mausoleum and Raudhatul Jannah (Garden of Heaven) on the first day. Although I missed the group tour by a whisker, I braved myself and went there ALONE. Alhamdulillah Allah made it easy for me. Although it was packed like a can of sardine, all of a sudden there was an empty spot in front of me. It baffled me because there were people in front of me but somehow or rather they were heading elsewhere. Subhanallah! So I got to pray in the Raudhah and made my du'a which I have written in a little notebook so that I won't forget or miss anything. It was said that one's du'a will be granted by Allah in Raudhah, Insyaallah! I could still remember the feeling of solemnity and humility which easily made me break into tears (even as I was typing this blog). I spent about 15-20 minutes there. Unselfishly, to give others chance to do the same I gave up my spot to a complete stranger who was like others looking for a spot to pray and he was more than happy to oblige.
Then I made my way to the Prophet Muhammad's SAW, Sayyidina Abu Bakar's and Sayyidina Umar's mausoleum, which were next to each other. There was a long queue alongside the shiny gates. Subhanallah! It was like a dream come true. The place was exactly as I remembered it in my dreams, serene and solemn. I recited the Salawat and greeted Salam to Rasulullah SAW for myself and for everyone (families and friends) who has requested me to send Salam to him. The feeling was indescribable. It was like meeting someone of inimitable greatness and very dear to you whom you have known for all of your lifetime but have never met. It was a very humbling experience. As emotions overwhelmed me, again I broke into tears! As I walked out of the mosque, I reflected on my meek, pathetic existence. Prophet Muhammad SAW is a human beyond compare.
By the by, my wife and I did most of the souvenir shopping in Madinah because the air is cleaner to walk around, Madinah are friendlier and safer and they say it's cheaper here than in Makkah. Word of caution: don't get too immersed in shopping because that was not the reason you come here for. Just buy small presents for the loved ones back home. Tips: perfume, tasbih, skullcaps, jubah, sajadah and of course Ajwa dates.
Finally the day came when we were supposed to leave Madinah Al-Munawwarah for Makkah Al-Mukarramah to perform Umrah, the ACTUAL reason we come here. I started to have butterflies in my stomach. My legs became jellylike. My heart started to miss a beat. Ya Allah! I am finally going to do Umrah for REAL. Please make my it easy on me and a safe journey to Your Baitullah.
Labbaikallahumma Labbaik
Labbaika Laa Syarikalaka Labbaik
Innalhamda Wan Ni'mata
Laka Wal Mulk
Laa Syarikalak
I respond to Your call O Allah, I respond to Your call,
I am obedient to Your orders, You have no partner, I respond to Your call
All the praises and blessings are for You,
All the sovereignty is for You,
And You have no partners with you.
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