How did the planning go? I hope you chose some delicious meals for your week!
Talking of delicious meals, have you ever decided to try out a new exciting recipe?
Only to find that what seemed so simple, suddenly got really tricky?
I certainly have!
Incomplete shopping lists, meaning that I'd have to go back to the shops...
Not knowing how much to buy...
Some great meals were accompanied by a great big headache!
Now imagine this happening at every meal for a whole week...
We'd never be able to stick to the diet!
Today, I want to make sure this doesn't happen to you.
You need to know exactly what you need to buy. And how much of it you need to buy.
Not just for one meal, but for all the meals in your week.
That means just one trip to the shops and you've done your week's shopping.
OK, lets get started.
Firstly print out the food list page. You might need 2 or 3 copies. (printable food list attached)
Now take a look at your weekly planner. For each meal on your planner, you need to refer to its recipe and write down all the ingredients in the ingredient column on your food list page.
Then write down the amount of that ingredient you need. There is a column for units eg cups, tablespoons etc and there are columns for number of units. Some ingredients will be needed in more than one recipe.
This is an example of a list that's filled out:
When you have finished writing up all your amounts,
add them up and fill in the total in the column provided.
And there you have it - everything you need for a week.
If you want to have a shopping list, print out the shopping list PDF and fill out the information from your foodlist.
Here is an example of a week here.
Keep this attached to the weekly planner.
Now anytime you want to do an easy shop for a week, the shopping list is already created.
This is setup work that you will have to do once only.
When you have this built, you can re-use it any time you want.
Use the attached two PDF's to build your shopping list
I'm going to give you a day to get this set up.
The next mail you will get from me is on Saturday and we are going to talk about batching and how it can save you hours of work.
Chat later
Greg Mac
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