I have been reading a lot about nuts lately to find a good alternative snacks. I almost go NUTS!
There are good nuts and there are bad nuts. Good nuts can be bad as well if consumed in excess because nuts are calorie-rich food. And sometimes the so-called bad nuts can be good nuts. Are you nuts already? One thing for sure different varieties of nuts provide numerous health benefits. In addition to being good source of protein and fiber, they contain healthy fats (omega-3 fatty acids, mono- or polyunsaturated fat), plant sterols, vitamins (vitamin E, folate), minerals (calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, selenium, phosphorus) and antioxidants. However, some nuts are better than others. Not all nuts are created equally.
Whether you are aiming for weight loss or want to improve your health, eating nuts can be part of a healthy diet, when eaten in moderation and as a substitute for junk food snacks. For maximum nutritional impact, choose nuts that are free of added salt, oils and sugars. You should also keep to a healthy serving size of 1 oz (1/4 cup about 160-200 cal) on most days a week. Healthy serving is dependent on the unique size and shape of the individual nut: almonds - 20 to 24; Brazil nuts - six to eight; cashews - 16 to 18; hazelnuts - 18 to 20; macadamias - 10 to 12; peanuts - 28; pecans - 18 to 20 halves; pine nuts - 150 to 157; pistachios - 45 to 47; walnuts - 14 halves. Say who's gonna count their nuts?
So what types of nuts to eat? Each nut has its own advantages and disadvantages. I am not going to go through each and every different varieties of nuts here but from my observation through reading health and diet websites, 3 types stand out; almond, walnut and pecan. The other variety of nuts like pistachio, macadamia, cashews, hazelnuts, chestnuts and legume like peanuts also have their own
Almonds, a healthy nut, offer a wealth of nutrients. A 1/4-cup serving of almonds contains 45 percent of the daily recommended intake of manganese and vitamin E and serves as a good source of magnesium, copper, vitamin B2, selenium and phosphorus. Almonds also contain more calcium than cows milk. Almonds may help lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease, protect against diabetes and colon cancer, help with weight loss, produce energy in the body and help prevent gallstones. Almonds are best eaten raw.
Walnuts pack a nutrient punch and offer many health benefits. Just 1/4 cup of walnuts provides 94.6 percent of the daily recommended intake of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat the body needs to protect cardiovascular function and promote improved brain function. Omega-3 fatty acids also offer anti-inflammatory benefits that may help with asthma, arthritis, eczema and psoriasis. Walnuts also serve as a source of copper and manganese. Walnuts may prevent and control high blood pressure, lower cholesterol, decreases the risk of weight gain, promotes bone health, help prevent gallstones and help promote better sleep due to their melatonin content.
Incorporating pecans, a healthy nut, into the diet provides at least 19 vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, folic acid and a variety of B vitamins. A 1-oz. serving of pecans offers 10 percent of the daily recommended intake of fiber. Pecans may lower cholesterol, protect the central nervous system, prevent coronary heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Research indicates that eating pecans can help control weight by giving study participants a feeling of fullness and increasing the rate of metabolism.
I hope I have changed your perception about nuts. Whether you eat them as staple food or add them in a salad or even eat them as substitutes for unhealthy snacks, they are nutritious and good addition to a healthy balanced diet. I have gone NUTTY about nuts! I eat them as replacement snacks for my sweet-tooth cravings.
I tried oven-roasting a variety of nuts just to taste all the supposedly healthy nuts. The best tasting nuts are almonds, macadamias, cashews & pistachios.