Wednesday, March 28, 2012

[LBF 2.0] If You Haven't Lost Any Fat... (Part 2 of 2)


Once again - if you are losing weight right now, no need for you to read this.OK, Part 2:

So you are doing everything right but not losing weight? Up to now I've been telling you its all about diet and exercise. That's only part of the story...There's a third element that 85% of the population don't have to worry about. The other unfortunate 15% won't succeed without doing something about it.

Unlucky for me, I was part of the other 15%. I was exercising like a man possessed, and my diet was ridiculously good, but my fat was as stubborn as a mule...I worked on this for over a year...with no results. I finally ended up on very different diet by chance.

Very different! and its purpose had nothing to do with weight loss. By chance and coincidence it solved my stubborn fat loss problems. Fat flew off...and I mean flew, my friends were flabbergasted. I loved every moment of it! I even ended up showing off my abs (how to get abs is in a future email)

The third element is your personal physiology - how the systems of your body are working. If they aren't working right, you have a problem. All the diet and exercise in the world is not going to work. Here's one example of how physiology can affect blood sugar. You know you need blood sugar balanced to lose weight, right? Now you can diet perfectly but if you have adrenal gland issues, a hormone called cortisol could make this impossible. It can cause you to eat like mad and then keep your blood sugar way up. A lot of this then turns into fat. And that will ruin any effort to lose weight.

There are a lot of different imbalances that can happen:
- hormones,
- blood sugar,
- adrenal gland issues,
- gastrointestinal dysfunction,
- neurotransmitter imbalances

Now I got lucky, I stumbled across my solution by accident. But there is an easier way to find out more. Here is link to a fantastic PDF written by Dr Bryan P. Walsh.
He's a doctor who's a real expert on this. It's packed with information. But best of all it has a self evaluation worksheet on pg 96. Go through this and then download the interpretation guide here:
Here's to solving a problem that may have been preventing any progress for years.
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